LCCN is aware of and responsive to current needs and challenges of the licensed child care and early years sector. We are committed to being part of the solution and have created marketing campaigns, strategies, and resources that speak to the importance of the sector and the impact of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) profession.
Little Moments, Big Impact (2022-2024)
The “Little Moments, Big Impact” campaign launched in early January 2024. In 2022 as a response to the workforce crisis, LCCN in partnership with Strive and the City of London and County of Middlesex, began developing this campaign. The goal was to highlight the impact that ECEs have on a child’s life and how fulfilling a career in ECE can be.
The campaign today includes:
A website with information about a career and/or pathways to ECE, located at www.bigimpactecec.ca
Bus shelter ads: 3 English and 1 French, in London.
Posters: 3 English and 1 French distributed to libraries, schools, childcare centres, community and family centres within London and Middlesex.
20 Videos: 14 in English and 6 in French. Filmed at local licensed child care organizations.
Social media campaign with great results (Google Ads, Tik Tok, Facebook/Instagram) which drove thousands of new users to the website and several potential leads who directly clicked on College/University programs (in English and French). TikTok ads were viewed 415,100 times in April 2024 alone.
This campaign was made possible thanks to funding allocated by the City of London under the provincial Workforce Strategy funding.
Unsung Heroes (2018-2019)
The Unsung Heroes campaign launched in Fall of 2019. In the spring of 2018, LCCN submitted a proposal for a marketing campaign to the City of London that outlined the challenges of recruitment and retention facing our sector.The LCCN marketing sub-committee led the development of this marketing campaign targeting 3 primary issues facing the ECE profession and the licensed childcare and early years sector. These issues were:
Growth: The demand for RECEs was high and several job positions remained unfilled in both English and French programs.
Skill Set: High School Guidance Counsellors required more knowledge on the required skill and disposition needed for the complex work.
Attraction and Retention: To better promote the profession of RECE and to highlight London and Middlesex as a community where RECEs are supported and valued.
This campaign targeted high school students and those seeking second careers.
With the support of the City of London, we received funding from a special project fund to create a marketing campaign to help address the issues. This campaign included:
A website where detailed information can be found on WHO, WHAT, WHY and HOW to become a RECE
A 60 sec. video shown at Silver City movie theatre as well as a social media campaign to reinforce the value and impact of the profession;
Transit shelter posters (London)/ posters (Middlesex) to promote the image of the RECE profession and the link to the website.
Determining What’s Best For You and Your Child (2012)
The following brochure is an educational tool designed for parents and families in the process of choosing child care. It helps them to consider important questions when visiting a child care program. We also outline the benefits of licensed child care.