A community that understands, promotes and champions early learning and licensed child care.
Licensed Child Care Network works collaboratively with the community to raise public awareness about the importance of early learning and licensed child care.
To promote, advocate and market early learning and licensed child care.
To raise public awareness about the importance of early learning and licensed child care.
Guide families through the process of choosing quality early learning and licensed child care environments.
Work collaboratively with other committees, community partners, and organizations that have congruent missions.
Advocate the importance of early learning and licensed child care to all three levels of government.
Promote the value and the economic benefit of early learning and licensed child care to the local business community.
Continue to educate families about the benefits of licensed child care through an ongoing marketing strategy.
Provide a forum for information sharing and collaborative action.
Provide an opportunity for large and small operators to attend, participate, mentor one another, and feel connected.
Membership Composition
Participation includes organizations and individuals that support the vision and mission of Licensed Child Care Network.
Current membership is comprised of representatives from licensed child care, OEYCs, Family Centres, and other organizations providing services and /or support for child care.
Roles and Responsibilities of Members
Duties of Chair (or Co-Chairs)
It is understood that throughout this document the term ‘Chair’ is inclusive of ‘Co-Chair’.
Chairs the meetings in a fair and efficient manner, including starting and adjourning the meetings on time.
Provide an opportunity for all members of the committee to participate in discussions in meetings.
Be responsible for advising the membership of upcoming meetings and providing them with its agenda.
Duties of the Secretary/Recorder
Ensure that the minutes of the committee reflect the major points of discussion and records both actions and recommendations.
Chair receives the minutes one week prior to the upcoming meeting.
Duties of Chairs of Sub-Committees
Update the full committee on projects and plans of the sub-committee.
Conducts subcommittee work in alignment with the mission, vision, and goals of Partners.
Meetings will occur monthly or as needed. Dates will be flexible and agreed upon by membership;
Members to inform Chair of regrets, prior to the meetings.
Conflict of Interest
Committee members are expected to declare any conflict of interest that may cause them to speak in favour of or recommend a course of action, which may benefit them personally or the organization/agency with which they are associated.
Terms of Reference completed: April 21, 2015