Child Care and Early Years Act
Licensed childcare and home childcare programs in Ontario are regulated by the Ministry of Education. Under this section, you will find a variety of information regarding policies, laws, and guidelines. Get access to the latest information on Child Care and the Early Years online.
Child Care and Early Years Act 2014
Home Child Care Licensing Manual 2019
Early Childhood Educators Act 2007
Child Care Centre Licensing Manual 2024
The Ministry of Education
The Ministry has released the following resources to support professional learning of educators in early years settings. These resources are intended to strengthen quality in programs and services for young children across early years settings in Ontario.
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (2014)
“How Does Learning Happen?” is a professional learning resource designed to support program development and pedagogy in a variety of early years settings, inclusive of licensed childcare, home-based childcare and family support programs. Key elements of the document include goals for children, encouraging reflection for practitioners and support partnerships with families.
Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children (2013)
Released in 2013, this document contains a series of research briefs that highlight key findings and practical tips for educators related to:
Positive Adult Relationships and Brain Development
Learning Environments
Pedagogical Leadership
Pedagogical Documentation
Parent Engagement
Other Organizations
The College officially opened in September 2008. For more than 20 years previous to that, organizations working in early learning and care lobbied the Government of Ontario to get legislative recognition for early childhood educators (ECEs).
In May 2007, the Ontario government passed the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007. This law established the College of Early Childhood Educators (the College). The Act includes:
A definition of what constitutes the practice of the profession.
A requirement for persons to be members in order to practice the profession
Title protection authorizes only members of the College to use the titles “early childhood educator” or “registered early childhood educator” or an abbreviation.
Roles and responsibilities of the Registrar along with the Registration Appeals, Complaints, Discipline and Fitness to Practice Committees.
The College began to accept applications for membership in September 2008. Over 20,000 applications for membership were received within the first six months.
Learn more about the College of Early Childhood Educators. LINK
The Home Child Care Association of Ontario (HCCAO) represents more than 70 Licensed Home Child Care Agencies which provide licensed, home-based early learning and childcare in over 3,000 homes across Ontario.
Home Child Care agencies or programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education and operate under regulations set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act of the Province of Ontario. Approved home childcare providers are carefully selected to provide care for up to a maximum of six children. The ages of the children can range from infancy to twelve years. Individual approved providers are not licensed but are contracted by a licensed program to provide a form of licensed childcare. The agency or program is responsible for ensuring the approved providers meet the requirements of the Child Care and Early Years Act.
Learn More About Home Child Care Association of Ontario LINK
Throughout its history, the Association of Early Childhood Educators, Ontario (AECEO) has organized and administered important developments in Early Childhood Education (ECE) in the areas of training, public awareness, equivalency, networking, professional development and recognition for the profession.
Learn more about AECEO. LINK
L’Association francophone à l’éducation des services à l’enfance de l’Ontario a comme objectifs généraux de :
favoriser la communication et l’échange d’information en français;
d’offrir de la formation et des ressources;
agir auprès des différentes instances pour répondre aux besoins de la prime enfance.
Elle s’adresse à toutes personnes offrant des services éducatifs à l’enfance francophones de l’Ontario tels que les éducateurs ou éducatrices, gestionnaires, parents et intervenants auprès des jeunes enfants.
Learn more about AFESEO. LINK
The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) is Ontario’s central advocacy group for a universal, affordable, high-quality, public and non-profit system of early childhood education and care. Formed in 1981, the OCBCC is a member organization comprised of childcare centres, national and provincial groups and individuals from all across Ontario. Our members are ECEs, childcare workers, parents, grandparents, centre directors and trade unionists – most importantly, we are people who care about childcare.
Learn more about the Coalition for Better Child Care. LINK
The Canadian Child Care Federation believes that high-quality childcare is everyone's responsibility, and makes for a better Canada. Well educated childcare professionals are motivated to deliver quality early learning and childcare with passion. Our ELCC workforce is essential to every child’s strong start.
Learn more about the Canadian Child Care Federation. LINK
The Canadian Association for Young Children (CAYC) was granted its Federal Charter in 1974. To this day, the CAYC is the only national association specifically concerned with the well-being of children, birth through age nine – at home, in preschool settings and at school. Members of this multi-disciplinary association include parents, teachers, caregivers, administrators, students and all those wishing to share ideas and participate in activities related to the education and welfare of young children.
Learn More about CAYC. LINK